E-Book Sale: The Secret Life of Miss Mary Bennet

Mary Bennet E-Book Sale + 5 of my favorite Austenesque Books

E-Book Sale: The Secret Life of Miss Mary Bennet

Mary Bennet E-Book Sale

In celebration of the upcoming release of The Lady’s Guide to Death and Deception, my publisher has placed the e-book of The Secret Life of Miss Mary Bennet on sale for $.99 (or your local equivalent) for the weekend!

If you’ve been waiting to read the book, need a digital copy to go with your print book/audiobook, or would like to share it with a friend, now is the perfect opportunity. Make sure to grab your copy by the end of September 4th, 2022, so you don’t miss this sale price.

The e-book can be found worldwide through Kindle (Amazon), Kobo, Nook, Apple Books, and possibly other platforms. A few of the links:

The Best Books Inspired by Jane Austen

If you haven’t heard of Shepherd.com, it’s a really fun new book discovery website. A lot of book websites use algorithms to try to guess what you might like to read, but I like how Shepherd is about people sharing their personal recommendations.

I wrote a guest post for Shepherd on 5 of the best books inspired by Jane Austen. I have so many favorites, and it really is impossible to choose just five, so I tried to choose ones that take Jane Austen from very different angles.

Another list I found on Shepherd which just added multiple books to my to read pile is by author Roy Adkins and gives some of his favorite books about Jane Austen herself.

And that’s all for this post! Make sure to subscribe to my newsletter if you’d like exclusive details about The Lady’s Guide to Death and Deception.

Launch Party Event - Lady's Guide to Death and Deception

Book Launch Party — The Lady’s Guide to Death and Deception

Launch Party Event - Lady's Guide to Death and Deception

I already announced this in my newsletter (sign up if you want to make sure you don’t miss exciting news!), but I wanted to write a post about it as well.

Launch Party in West Michigan

My local indie bookstore, This is a Bookstore/Bookbug, is throwing a book launch party on September 6th at 6:30 p.m. Last time they ran out of seats and sold out of books, which was truly incredible.

At the launch party, I’ll talk about The Lady’s Guide to Death and Deception. This will be followed by a reading, a Q&A, and a book signing. We are also doing a Regency spy themed photo booth, which I am really excited about.


Please reserve tickets in advance at Eventbrite (especially since the bookstore ran out last time!).

Closing Thoughts

Only eight more days until The Lady’s Guide to Death and Deception is out in the wild! I really loved writing this book, and I hope that you enjoy it.

The VERY* Official Netflix Persuasion Survey. *Not actually a true random sample or statistically viable, but fun. 12 friends in Michigan watched the film Persuasion. Their ages spanned 6 decades. Afterwards, they rated the film. Average rating on a scale of 1-5: 4.33. Everyone either "liked it" or "loved it".

Review of Netflix’s Persuasion (with Survey Data)

I love adaptations, and I love Jane Austen. So I had to watch Netflix’s new adaptation of Persuasion, starring Dakota Johnson, Cosmo Jarvis, and Henry Golding. I decided to make a movie night of it and invited a bunch of friends over. We watched the film. There was much laughter. The credits rolled. And then I handed out surveys.

Yes, surveys.

You come to a girls night at my house, and you may end up taking a survey.

What was most interesting to me was actually the qualitative results–what people liked and disliked from a film standpoint–but first, let’s look at overall impressions.

Overall Impressions/Quantitative Results: Enjoyment Factor

The VERY* Official Netflix Persuasion Survey. *Not actually a true random sample or statistically viable, but fun. 12 friends in Michigan watched the film Persuasion. Their ages spanned 6 decades. Afterwards, they rated the film. Average rating on a scale of 1-5: 4.33. Everyone either "liked it" or "loved it".

I minored in film in college, and I did a masters in English. I love movies, and I love books. And I feel like they’re very different things. But in terms of a movie that’s worth watching, you need to know if it’s enjoyable or not. That’s a fundamental part of the film viewing experience.

I gave everyone a scale of 1 to 5 and asked them how much they enjoyed the film.

ENTERTAINMENT VALUE On a scale of 1-5, how entertaining did you find the film? 1 (It was terrible & I can’t believe Kathy convinced me to watch this) 2 (disliked) 3 (it was fine) 4 (I liked it) 5 (I loved it)

And as you saw from the first graphic in this post, people liked the movie. We had an average of 4.33 stars. And everyone either liked it or loved it.

I also wanted to see whether or not someone’s enjoyment of the film was influenced by how much they feel like a Jane Austen fan. Now, there is no official rubric for what makes someone a true Jane Austen fan (though a rather hilarious character in the film Austenland attempts to define a true fan). So I simply let people judge for themselves.

Would you consider yourself a Jane Austen fan?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Sort of

Note that I included a “sort of” category. To me, I see people who rated themselves as “sort of” Jane Austen fans as casual fans or those who might have engaged with mostly 1 or 2 of her books. But I didn’t put a description–I wanted people to put themselves wherever they felt most comfortable.

And here’s the results, with the averages of how they rated the film:

Enjoyment of film vs. whether or not a Jane Austen Fan. All 12 people answered the question, "Would you consider yourself a Jane Austen fan?" Not a fan (2 people): 4. Sort of a fan (5 people): 4.4. Austen fan (5 people): 4.4.

In general, those that either consider themselves Jane Austen fans, or “sort of” Jane Austen fans, rated the movie higher than those who didn’t.

One lady loves Jane Austen, and Persuasion is her favorite novel. She has watched (and owns) other adaptations. And she gave the film 5 stars.

The Qualitative Results: Filmic Choices

Then came the qualitative questions. I asked what, from a film technique standpoint, people thought worked well, and what didn’t work as well for them.

Survey Results: What Worked Well in Netflix’s Persuasion

There was a wide range of responses. One person, a self-professed Jane Austen fan, wrote:

“I felt like the breaking of the fourth wall was a wink and a nod to the humor of the author herself.”

Several other people also commented on how they liked the breaking the fourth wall and Anne’s direct dialogue with the camera/viewer.

The cliffs scene was a favorite, someone else really liked the dialogue, and people generally liked the emotions that were conveyed:

“I thought it captured well [the] regret, sorrow, and second chances.”

There were people who mentioned really liking:

  • The music
  • The costumes
  • The dialogue
  • That the storyline was clear
  • Mary’s character/the humor she added to the story

One person, a Jane Austen fan, wrote:

“The Elliots were all true to Austen’s characters.”

I felt the same. Mary, Elizabeth, Sir Walter, the Musgroves–they managed to capture some of the essence of Austen’s characters.

One person who was not a Jane Austen fan wrote:

“I liked that I could understand it all. Older English mixed with modern. Some other movies I get lost sometimes cause of the language.”

For her, the modern references and metaphors (“I can never trust a 10”) really helped make the film more accessible.

I’ll close with one last positive comment:

“I loved all of it.”

Survey Results: What Didn’t Work a Well in Netflix’s Persuasion

First, I went to film school. What “doesn’t work” is a very subjective thing. And it’s almost more useful to consider what the goals of the film were and how well it achieved those goals.

However, I decided to spare my guests a 30-minute lecture on how to judge a film’s merit, and instead just asked on the survey “What didn’t work as well for you?”

Here were a few of the responses:

“I thought Anne drank too much.”

This is a definite shift to a book. Anne may or may not be an alcoholic in the movie.

Another person comment on the modern references:

“The modern language/references were occasionally jarring against the 1800s visuals.”

This is interesting because I only had two people comment on the modern languages/references. One person positively, and one person semi-negatively.

I’m someone who loves historical things. I put hundreds of hours into making my Jane Austen-inspired novels historically accurate, and I tried to make the language match Austen’s. But I thought this film was cohesive in being a bit ahistoric–not completely accurate costumes, some modern languages and references, the very uncomfortable octopus sucking scene, the frowny face drawn by Mary on her forlorn note. So even though it’s not how I’ve approached my own Austen adaptations, the modern languages/references worked.

Most people didn’t have any complaints. I got a lot of no responses on this final question, and several that read:

“No major criticisms.”


“Nothing, it was fun.”

Some Positive Results

One person commented on her survey:

“Now I want to read it.”

There were several other people who verbally expressed the same sentiment. And if a film makes you want to read Jane Austen, I always see that as a good thing.

Several other people (including people who had given the film a “4: I liked it”) plan to rewatch it, some of them with their husbands.

My Own Personal Thoughts

I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I love the original novel. I love Jane Austen’s use of language. I love the nuance. I love the friendship with Mrs. Smith and that entire subplot (which was not included in the film). I like Jane Austen’s subtle commentaries on the war, on politics, on rhetoric, on education, on the role of the social sphere in a woman’s life. And these are all good, beautiful things that were not in the film.

But I thought it was a really good adaptation.

Fresh? Yes.

Interpreting characters a little differently? For sure.

Taking a new vision to Austen? Yes.

I think it’s useful to note that the director, Carrie Cracknell, is largely a theatre director. I feel like theatre-goers expect a wider range of adaptations than film-viewers, and so this adaptation may surprise some viewers. But generally, I think people will enjoy it.

Hardcore Jane Austen fandom does have a solid contingent of purists that can be rather judgmental on anything that does not fit their conceptions of what a Jane Austen adaptation should look like.  If you’re looking for complete accuracy for the novel, you’re going to be disappointed. However, that’s not what makes an adaptation interesting to me.

There’s a great film theory article by Richard Stam called “Beyond Fidelity: The Dialogics of Adaptation.”  He talks about how “fidelity” and the moral language we use to judge film adaptations can actually get in our way as film viewers. He posits that a film may be choosing an essence of the original and putting that into a new genre. But an adaptation is not pure transference–Stam talks about how an adaptation can be:

  • Translation
  • Reading
  • Dialogization
  • Cannibalization
  • Transmutation
  • Transfiguration
  • Signifying

He spends a great number of pages going into each of these things–so if you want to read about how an adaptation can be a dialogue with the original, or a transmutation, check out his article.

(I do want to point out that there have also been some very racist critiques of Persuasion. Which is honestly very sad to me. I personally think color blind cast is amazing. Also, despite the white-ness of many Austen adaptations, Regency England was actually quite a diverse place, and that were people of many races at all levels of society.)

Netflix’s Persuasion is a film that I plan to rewatch. Despite loving the novel Persuasion, I’ve never actually seen the other film adaptations, and now I’m interested in watching them–broadening my horizons and such.

Now Go Forth and Watch!

Despite my survey being so VERY official (and not statistically significant), I think it’s fair to recommend that you go watch Netflix’s Persuasion and judge the film for yourself.

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How Many Hours it Takes me to Write a Book - KatherineCowley.com

How Many Hours It Takes Me to Write a Book

How Many Hours it Takes me to Write a Book - KatherineCowley.com

On one of my blog posts recapping a year in writing, a reader recently asked how long it takes me to write a novel, and how this time breaks down between drafting and revision.

Because I track my writing time, I can answer both questions rather easily.

Question 1: Total Number of Hours to Write A Novel

For the past three novels I have written, it has taken me between 400 and 650 hours to write and revise the book.

The Secret Life of Miss Mary Bennet: 612.5 hours; The True Confessions of a London Spy: 464 hours. The Lady's Guide to Death and Deception: 408 hours

Question 2: The Time Breakdown (How these hours were spent)

This question gets a little more complicated, because I wrote the first drafts for The Secret Life of Miss Mary Bennet and The True Confessions of a London Spy at the same time. However, I went back through my time tracking app, did some number crunching, and broke things out.

Disclaimer: I came up with the premise for the series in 2013, and I did some initial research, and then spent years thinking about the characters and their motivations, daydreaming about scenes, planning emotional arcs, etc. None of this time is included in the following charts, which only include time spent after mid-2017.

Disclaimer 2: rounding occurred at various points when I exported from my time tracking app and then added numbers in Excel. If the numbers are off by an hour or two, then it’s because you’re not seeing all the rounding.

Time Spent Writing and Revising The Secret Life of Miss Mary Bennet

  • Research
  • Outlining
  • Draft 1
  • Draft 2
  • Draft 3
  • Newspaper Research
  • Draft 4
  • Draft 5
  • Draft 6 (with agent)
  • Draft 7 (with agent)
  • Revisions with Publisher
  • Other Tasks
  • 76 hours
  • 34 hours
  • 113 hours
  • 88.5 hours
  • 108 hours
  • 18 hours
  • 6 hours
  • 14.5 hours
  • 77.5 hours
  • 17 hours
  • 33 hours
  • 27 hours

Note: the first draft, which took me 113 hours, was spread out (along with research and outlining) over a period of 11 months. This was a novel that took time to simmer and develop!

What each draft focused on

First draft: The first draft is for me to get the story down. I do revise some as I go, but I also leave plenty of comments for myself for things to fix later. Sometimes I will skip scenes or chapters that I know I will need to add in a future draft, and I am often missing names for key characters (I’ll have lots of _________ to show that I need to add it later). I never show full first drafts to anyone, but I did show bits and pieces to my monthly writing group to get some initial feedback.

Second draft: This draft is the get-it-ready-to-look-at by other people draft. I fill in whatever gaps are left from the first draft, do lots of big picture changes (plot, structure, emotion, relationships, and character), and constantly tweak things at a language and sentence level.

Then I sent the book to my first round of critique partners.

Third draft: Some people break out different types of edits (structural, character, language) into different drafts. I kind of do them all at once. First I created a very large chart on my wall which helped me figure out how to fix bigger picture plot and character problems, and then I dove into changes. For me, a draft sometimes consists of multiple passes–during a single revision, I may go through chapters anywhere from 1 to 4 times, and sometimes I’ll be revising a later chapter and realize I need to go back and change something in a previous chapter that I thought was finished. I decide a draft is finished when I’ve taken care of all the things that seem most crucial–that are really bothering me. I won’t necessarily address every single thing my critique partners have suggested; some I do save for future revisions, and others I set aside and don’t incorporate.

I then added newspaper headings and sent the book to a new set of critique partners. (I like to use people who haven’t yet read the novel and can offer a fresh perspective.) In this case, draft four did not take very long, and then I started querying agents. Then I did another draft and queried more. Then I got my agent–and I wrote a post that talks about the revisions that I did with my agent.

Once the book was acquired by Tule, we did a content edit, another more minor content edit, an edit to make the book shorter, and then copyedits and proofreads.

Time Spent Writing and Revising The True Confessions of a London Spy

  • Research
  • Outlining
  • Draft 1
  • Draft 2
  • Draft 3
  • Newspaper Research
  • Draft 4
  • Draft 5
  • Revisions with Publisher
  • Other Tasks
  • 67 hours
  • 9 hours
  • 48 hours
  • 149.5 hours
  • 11.5 hours
  • 19 hours
  • 71 hours
  • 48 hours
  • 35.5 hours
  • 5 hours

You will notice that I spent a lot less time on this first draft. However, I paid for it during the second draft, which still holds its winning place as the hardest draft I have ever written in my life.

The drafting process was similar to the first book, however, because the second draft was such a major revision, in this case I did a quick third draft to clean things up before sending to critique partners.

Time Spent Writing and Revising The Lady’s Guide to Death and Deception

  • Research
  • Outlining
  • Draft 1
  • Draft 2
  • Draft 3
  • Newspaper Research
  • Draft 4
  • Revisions with Publisher
  • Other Tasks
  • 24 hours
  • 14 hours
  • 147 hours
  • 64 hours
  • 93 hours
  • 16 hours
  • 26.5 hours
  • 20 hours
  • 3 hours

I wrote the first draft of The Lady’s Guide to Death and Deception over a period of six months. And that was hard–I don’t think I could easily write a first draft in less than that, because I only have so many high-level creative energy on any given day or week, and there are parts of the creative process that just can’t be rushed.

Why Some Books Take More or Less Time

If I’m going to undergo some self-analysis and reflection (why not? I made charts!) then I would say that the first book in the series took the longest in part because it was the first book. I was still figuring out characters, relationships, and arcs. And I was able to apply a lot of what I figured out about the characters–as well as a lot of the research–to books 2 and 3.

My agent and my editor also taught me things about writing, and mysteries specifically, which I was able to apply in the process of writing both books 2 and 3. This truly did cut out a couple of drafts.

Also, book 3 in the series was the only book I have written in which I managed to include both the plot AND all the major sub-plots in the first draft. (In the first draft of both The Secret Life of Miss Mary Bennet and The True Confessions of a London Spy, I had most of the subplots, but the main plot was shaky.)

How Long It Will Take Me to Write Future Books

Prior to the Mary Bennet series, I wrote several (unpublished) novels, but I wasn’t as exact about keeping track of time. Based on the records I have, one novel probably took me at least 700 hours. A novella I wrote (“Tatterhood and the Prince’s Hand“) took about 144 hours.

I truly expect that all my future novels will take me at least 400 hours, and if it’s the first book in a series, it could very likely be in the 600 hour range. I’m currently working on a new secret novel, and I’ve already spent 33 hours on brainstorming and research. I could easily have another 60 to 100 hours of research and outlining before I’m ready to start writing the first draft.

I have a number of writing friends who write much more quickly than I do, but I also have plenty of writing friends who take comparable or longer amounts of time to write and revise a novel. There’s no one right way to do it, and either can produce amazing work, as long as it works well with your writing process and your other life commitments.

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Mary Higgins Clark Panel

Free Upcoming Event: Mystery Writers of America Symposium

Mary Higgins Clark Panel

This year, in advance of the Edgar Awards, Mystery Writers of America is holding a virtual symposium.

I will be part of a panel with other nominees for the Mary Higgins Clark Award. I feel really honored to be talk about mystery novels with these amazing authors.

The event is free for anyone to attend. All you need to do is register in advance: https://bit.ly/MWAMaryHigginsClark

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