Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Art Museums for 2 Year Olds

A couple weeks ago I took my 2-year-old to the Phoenix Art Museum–and she loved it. Her favorite exhibit was filled with modern art and was titled, “Order, Chaos, and the Space Between: Contemporary Latin American Art from the Diane and Bruce Halle Collection.” This was one of the pieces. She got super excited and […]

Writing is like Kissing

Yes, you heard me. Writing is like kissing. Kissing, like writing, works better (or at least tends to be more interesting) if there’s a second person involved. We’ll call that person the audience. If you want your kiss (your writing) to go really well, it is often helpful if you know your audience. Also, kissing […]

Art Museums for 2 Year Olds

A couple weeks ago I took my 2-year-old to the Phoenix Art Museum–and she loved it. Her favorite exhibit was filled with modern art and was titled, “Order, Chaos, and the Space Between: Contemporary Latin American Art from the Diane and Bruce Halle Collection.” This was one of the pieces. She got super excited and […]

Writing is like Kissing

Yes, you heard me. Writing is like kissing. Kissing, like writing, works better (or at least tends to be more interesting) if there’s a second person involved. We’ll call that person the audience. If you want your kiss (your writing) to go really well, it is often helpful if you know your audience. Also, kissing […]