Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

10 Questions for Avoiding Deus ex Machina in Fantasy and Science Fiction

Deus ex machina literally means “God in the machine.” My first introduction to it was as a 15 year old reading the Greek tragedy Medea. Medea kills her children, but is saved, at the last moment, by the sun god sending down a chariot to take her away. The Greeks would actually use a crane […]

Rule-Based Worldbuilding for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Steampunk

Just because you are writing speculative fiction, it doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. Your readers expect a cohesive, coherent world. That is why you need rule-based worldbuilding: you set up the rules of a world, and then you stick to them. This presentation was originally given at the ANWA 2016 Time Out […]

10 Questions for Avoiding Deus ex Machina in Fantasy and Science Fiction

Deus ex machina literally means “God in the machine.” My first introduction to it was as a 15 year old reading the Greek tragedy Medea. Medea kills her children, but is saved, at the last moment, by the sun god sending down a chariot to take her away. The Greeks would actually use a crane […]

Rule-Based Worldbuilding for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Steampunk

Just because you are writing speculative fiction, it doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. Your readers expect a cohesive, coherent world. That is why you need rule-based worldbuilding: you set up the rules of a world, and then you stick to them. This presentation was originally given at the ANWA 2016 Time Out […]