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#61: How to Convey Emotion: Planting Clues to What Characters Feel
/0 Comments/in Jane Austen Writing Lessons/by Katherine Cowley![Jane Austen Writing Lessons 61. Jane Austen Writing Lessons. #61: How to Convey Emotion. Planting Clues to What Characters Feel](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/61-Small.png)
It took me several years of writing fiction to really learn how to convey emotions. As a writer, you often know what your characters are feeling, but how do you convey that to the reader in a way that helps them to believe it, and sometimes even to feel it with the characters?
One of the ways I learned to write emotions was by studying writers who excel at it. Jane Austen is a master of emotion. Let’s look at a passage rife with emotion from her first published novel, Sense and Sensibility.
At this point in the novel, most characters assume that Marianne Dashwood and John Willoughby are engaged to each other. The other Dashwood family members leave the house, knowing it is likely that Willoughby will call upon Marianne.
They return to witness a flurry of unexpected emotions.
“They were no sooner in the passage than Marianne came hastily out of the parlour apparently in violent affliction, with her handkerchief at her eyes; and without noticing them ran up stairs.”
First, let’s consider the word apparently. Marianne is “apparently in violent affliction.” This word choice is important. Marianne is not a viewpoint character in this chapter—the point of view is from Elinor’s perspective. Elinor and her mother cannot actually, with any certainty, know how Marianne feels. They cannot peer into her mind. And even if she were to tell them, it would be filtered through both language and what she wants them to know.
As such, they are forced to interpret her behavior in order to understand her emotions. Readers must do the same thing, especially when reading about non-viewpoint characters. We look at clues that indicate how the characters feel, and, like Elinor and Mrs. Dashwood, we come to conclusions on someone’s emotional state.
What are the clues in this sentence?
- Marianne came hastily out of the parlour
- Apparently in violent affliction
- With her handkerchief at her eyes
- Without noticing them
- Ran up stairs
These clues can be categorized into different types of clues that you can use as a writer to convey emotions:
Emotional Clue Technique 1: Concrete actions and behavior
![Emotional Clue Technique 1: Concrete actions and behavior Emotional Clue Technique 1: Concrete actions and behavior](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1.png)
Marianne moves with speed; she has her handkerchief pressed to her eyes (and we can assume she is crying); she runs up the stairs.
Concrete actions and behavior are the results of choices made by a character, and choices are always influenced by a character’s emotions. Different characters react to different situations in very different ways—not everyone expresses strong emotions with strong outward displays. But even if a character is suppressing or hiding their emotions, it will impact their actions and behavior.
This is an important emotional clue to place, whether or not you are attempting to capture the viewpoint character’s emotions, or the emotions of another character.
Emotional Clue Technique 2: Awareness/lack of awareness
![Emotional Clue Technique 2: Awareness/lack of awareness](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2.png)
Marianne does not notice or acknowledge her family members, even as she rushes past them.
Certain types of emotions will point a character outward—charitable emotions, or concern for others. Other emotions will point a character inward or narrow their focus to a smaller awareness.
This emotional clue is one that Austen uses less frequently, but to great effect. In terms of viewpoint characters, a viewpoint character may not realize what they are aware or not aware of, but it will impact the sort of description that is used in a scene.
Emotional Clue Technique 3: General impressions
![Emotional Clue Technique 3: General impressions](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/3.png)
Marianne is apparently in violent affliction.
Here, Elinor and her mother are interpreting their general impressions—their feel of the situation. This is likely influenced by dozens of tiny details that Austen does not describe. Maybe Marianne’s face is pale; maybe her arms hang a little limply; maybe she’s sniffling. All of the time, we interpret dozens of tiny details—sometimes subconsciously—and come to conclusion. Rather than including every possible detail, we are given Elinor’s conclusion, which is useful in that it brings us back to the viewpoint character and how she is processing the events.
When a character interprets someone’s emotions, it’s often useful to have a qualifier that signifies that the point of view character is making an interpretation (so readers do not confuse it with the narrator proclaiming this emotion as fact, which can read as a point of view shift). Austen uses “apparently” but writers also use “likely,” “probably,” “it seemed that,” and a number of other signifiers.
More Types of Emotional Clues
Austen goes on to use more types of emotional clues in the passage (and she plants more emotional clues in the categories we’ve already established). Let’s read more of the scene and look for additional types of clues:
Surprised and alarmed they proceeded directly into the room she had just quitted, where they found only Willoughby, who was leaning against the mantel-piece with his back towards them. He turned round on their coming in, and his countenance showed that he strongly partook of the emotion which over-powered Marianne.
“Is anything the matter with her?” cried Mrs. Dashwood as she entered—“is she ill?”
“I hope not,” he replied, trying to look cheerful; and with a forced smile presently added, “It is I who may rather expect to be ill—for I am now suffering under a very heavy disappointment!”
“Yes, for I am unable to keep my engagement with you. Mrs. Smith has this morning exercised the privilege of riches upon a poor dependent cousin, by sending me on business to London. I have just received my dispatches, and taken my farewell of Allenham; and by way of exhilaration I am now come to take my farewell of you.”
“To London!—and are you going this morning?”
“Almost this moment.”
“This is very unfortunate. But Mrs. Smith must be obliged;—and her business will not detain you from us long I hope.”
He coloured as he replied, “You are very kind, but I have no idea of returning into Devonshire immediately. My visits to Mrs. Smith are never repeated within the twelvemonth.”
“And is Mrs. Smith your only friend? Is Allenham the only house in the neighbourhood to which you will be welcome? For shame, Willoughby, can you wait for an invitation here?”
His colour increased; and with his eyes fixed on the ground he only replied, “You are too good.”
Emotional Clue Technique 4: Stating the Emotion
![Emotional Clue Technique 4: Stating the Emotion Emotional Clue Technique 4: Stating the Emotion](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/4.png)
Elinor and her mother are surprised and alarmed.
The emotion of the viewpoint character can be stated, as Austen does here. This is not a technique she frequently uses—if used improperly, stating an emotion feels like cheating. If it feels unearned, we won’t necessarily believe it. When Austen states the emotion, it’s almost always in moments like this, where the situation and our past knowledge of the characters makes it obvious in and of itself that this would be the emotion felt by the viewpoint character. Of course Elinor and Mrs. Dashwood are going to be startled and alarmed by Marianne’s extreme emotional reaction. Stating it allows Austen to quickly solidify the reaction and move on to more important parts of the scene.
Most of the time, stating the emotion needs to be for the viewpoint character, unless it is the viewpoint character’s interpretation of another’s emotions (see clue technique 3).
Emotional Clue Technique 5: Body Language
![Emotional Clue Technique 5: Body Language](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/5.png)
Willoughby is leaning against the mantle-piece with his back towards them.
Body language is a powerful indicator of a character’s emotions. If a character is feeling confident, upset, flustered, or distracted, it will often have an impact on their body language. Some characters have little control or awareness of how their body language is conveying their emotional state; other characters will attempt to control their body language to mask emotions.
Emotional Clue Technique 6: Facial Expressions
![Emotional Clue Technique 6: Facial Expressions Emotional Clue Technique 6: Facial Expressions](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/6.png)
His countenance showed that he strongly partook of the emotion which over-powered Marianne.
Facial expressions often provide clues to a character’s emotions. Austen typically uses this type of emotional clue when capturing the emotions of a non-viewpoint character. Viewpoint characters, when experiencing emotions, are not always likely to think about what facial expressions they are using (though in some situations it can work).
Emotional Clue Technique 7: Verbs and Adjectives
![Emotional Clue Technique 7: Verbs and Adjectives Emotional Clue Technique 7: Verbs and Adjectives](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/7.png)
Cried Mrs. Dashwood; with a forced smile; he coloured.
While this technique often overlaps with other techniques, it is such a powerful technique that it is useful to consider on its own. What verbs will best express someone’s emotion? What adjectives can enlighten the emotions of a scene?
Mrs. Dashwood does not just ask what is wrong with her daughter—she cries it. Calling a smile forced reveals that it does not feel genuine, and thus hints at the real emotion beneath. The fact that Willoughby’s face colours hints at shame or embarrassment in key parts of the conversation.
It’s important not to overindulge in this technique. Note that most of these lines of dialogue don’t include a verb that describe the characters, or how they’re saying their lines. Using verbs and adjectives that convey emotions can be most powerful when used sparingly, because we’re not inundated and it focuses the reader on the key, compelling details.
Emotional Clue Technique 8: Dialogue
![Emotional Clue Technique 8: Dialogue Emotional Clue Technique 8: Dialogue](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/8.png)
Mrs. Dashwood has asked Willoughby a question about Marianne, but then his dialogue focuses on himself and his troubles. Mrs. Dashwood’s continuing questions indicate that her constant surprise and changing understanding of the situation. Willoughby keeps most of his statements very formal and factual. While at this point readers cannot be conclusive about Willoughby’s motivations or the deeper layers behind his dialogue, readers discover this later in the book.
What a character says can reveal or conceal their emotions. Ultimately, dialogue is an action taken by a character, and what they choose to say and how is influenced by their emotional state.
Emotional Clue Technique 9: Shifts of Emotion
![Emotional Clue Technique 9: Shifts of Emotion Emotional Clue Technique 9: Shifts of Emotion](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/9.png)
As the conversation continues, there is a shift in Willoughby’s emotions. Not only is he feeling whatever emotions were incited by his conversation with Marianne, but a new emotion arrives: a discomfort and a desire to escape the situation.
The conversation continues with Mrs. Dashwood emphasizing that Willoughby is always welcome at their cottage, and then we read:
“My engagements at present,” replied Willoughby, confusedly, “are of such a nature—that—I dare not flatter myself—”
He stopped. Mrs. Dashwood was too much astonished to speak, and another pause succeeded. This was broken by Willoughby, who said with a faint smile, “It is folly to linger in this manner. I will not torment myself any longer by remaining among friends whose society it is impossible for me now to enjoy.”
He then hastily took leave of them all and left the room. They saw him step into his carriage, and in a minute it was out of sight.
Emotions—whether large or small—are not static. They can change or shift within a sentence or scene, or they can be joined by other emotions. Conveying shifts of emotion is a useful technique that helps the reader understand characters and the situation.
Emotional Clue Technique 10: Silence/Pauses
![Emotional Clue Technique 10: Silence/Pauses Emotional Clue Technique 10: Silence/Pauses](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/10.png)
Mrs. Dashwood was too astonished to speak. Another pause succeeded—neither Willoughby or Elinor speak either. In fact, Elinor has not spoken yet during this scene, perhaps because she feels it is not her place.
Silences and pauses can be powerful tools to reveal emotions. Sometimes emotions can be too strong for action or dialogue. Sometimes inaction reveals an inability to process an emotions. Sometimes pauses are because an emotion makes it difficult to see a way forward. Who breaks the pause and how can also be revelatory.
In this short scene, Austen uses ten techniques that provide emotional clues to the reader, to help the reader understand—and experience—the emotions of the characters.
Let’s look at them again, in list form:
- Concrete actions and behavior
- Awareness/lack of awareness
- General impressions
- Stating the Emotion
- Body language
- Facial expressions
- Well Chosen Verbs and Adjectives
- Dialogue
- Shifts of Emotion
- Silences/pauses
This scene is a key emotional scene—it’s a turning point in the novel, where everything changes for Marianne and the other characters. So it makes sense that it uses ten different techniques that provide clues to the reader.
These aren’t the only techniques that Austen uses as emotional clues. In a previous Jane Austen writing lesson, I discussed how setting can be used to complement or contrast emotions. In the coming weeks, I’ll discuss other techniques for emotions that work particularly well for viewpoint characters (like free indirect speech, repetition, and punctuation). We’ll also talk more about differences between conveying small, medium, and large emotions, and ways that different characters express or deal with their emotions.
![Writing Exercises - Jane Austen Writing Lessons Writing Exercises - Jane Austen Writing Lessons](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Writing-Exercises.png)
Exercise 1: Incorporating emotional clues
Part 1: From the list of ten emotional clues, choose the three that you are most comfortable using to convey emotions. Now write a paragraph or brief scene that uses these three emotional clues.
Part 2: Now return to the list of ten emotional clues, and choose the three that you are least comfortable using to convey emotions. Rewrite the paragraph or brief scene using these three emotional clues instead.
Exercise 2: Random number generator story
Step 1: Choose an everyday task (going to the grocery store; attending school; working out; etc.)
Step 2: Choose a predominant emotion (happiness; anger; frustration; fatigue; etc.)
Step 3: Use a random number generator to select 5 numbers between 1 and 10 (there can be duplicates). Write them down in the random order generated by the widget.
Step 4: Write a scene that has a character complete the everyday task and incorporates the predominant emotion. Each type of emotional clue should be used in the storytelling. These emotional clues can be grouped together in the scene, or spread throughout the scene, but they must be included in the order dictated by the random number generator.
Exercise 3: Analyze the writing of an author you love (who is not Jane Austen). What emotional clues do they use to hint at or convey the characters’ emotions? Do they use the same emotional clues as Austen uses, or different ones? How are they incorporated into scenes?
Review of Netflix’s Persuasion (with Survey Data)
/0 Comments/in Book Recommendations, Commentary, Film, Updates/by Katherine CowleyI love adaptations, and I love Jane Austen. So I had to watch Netflix’s new adaptation of Persuasion, starring Dakota Johnson, Cosmo Jarvis, and Henry Golding. I decided to make a movie night of it and invited a bunch of friends over. We watched the film. There was much laughter. The credits rolled. And then I handed out surveys.
Yes, surveys.
You come to a girls night at my house, and you may end up taking a survey.
What was most interesting to me was actually the qualitative results–what people liked and disliked from a film standpoint–but first, let’s look at overall impressions.
Overall Impressions/Quantitative Results: Enjoyment Factor
![The Very Official Netflix Persuasion Survey The VERY* Official Netflix Persuasion Survey. *Not actually a true random sample or statistically viable, but fun. 12 friends in Michigan watched the film Persuasion. Their ages spanned 6 decades. Afterwards, they rated the film. Average rating on a scale of 1-5: 4.33. Everyone either "liked it" or "loved it".](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/The_Very_Official_Netflix_Persuasion_Survey_1_70.jpg)
I minored in film in college, and I did a masters in English. I love movies, and I love books. And I feel like they’re very different things. But in terms of a movie that’s worth watching, you need to know if it’s enjoyable or not. That’s a fundamental part of the film viewing experience.
I gave everyone a scale of 1 to 5 and asked them how much they enjoyed the film.
And as you saw from the first graphic in this post, people liked the movie. We had an average of 4.33 stars. And everyone either liked it or loved it.
I also wanted to see whether or not someone’s enjoyment of the film was influenced by how much they feel like a Jane Austen fan. Now, there is no official rubric for what makes someone a true Jane Austen fan (though a rather hilarious character in the film Austenland attempts to define a true fan). So I simply let people judge for themselves.
Would you consider yourself a Jane Austen fan?
- Yes
- No
- Sort of
Note that I included a “sort of” category. To me, I see people who rated themselves as “sort of” Jane Austen fans as casual fans or those who might have engaged with mostly 1 or 2 of her books. But I didn’t put a description–I wanted people to put themselves wherever they felt most comfortable.
And here’s the results, with the averages of how they rated the film:
![Netflix Persuasion Survey Part 2 Enjoyment of film vs. whether or not a Jane Austen Fan. All 12 people answered the question, "Would you consider yourself a Jane Austen fan?" Not a fan (2 people): 4. Sort of a fan (5 people): 4.4. Austen fan (5 people): 4.4.](https://www.katherinecowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Netflix_Persuasion_Survey_Part_2_70.jpg)
In general, those that either consider themselves Jane Austen fans, or “sort of” Jane Austen fans, rated the movie higher than those who didn’t.
One lady loves Jane Austen, and Persuasion is her favorite novel. She has watched (and owns) other adaptations. And she gave the film 5 stars.
The Qualitative Results: Filmic Choices
Then came the qualitative questions. I asked what, from a film technique standpoint, people thought worked well, and what didn’t work as well for them.
Survey Results: What Worked Well in Netflix’s Persuasion
There was a wide range of responses. One person, a self-professed Jane Austen fan, wrote:
“I felt like the breaking of the fourth wall was a wink and a nod to the humor of the author herself.”
Several other people also commented on how they liked the breaking the fourth wall and Anne’s direct dialogue with the camera/viewer.
The cliffs scene was a favorite, someone else really liked the dialogue, and people generally liked the emotions that were conveyed:
“I thought it captured well [the] regret, sorrow, and second chances.”
There were people who mentioned really liking:
- The music
- The costumes
- The dialogue
- That the storyline was clear
- Mary’s character/the humor she added to the story
One person, a Jane Austen fan, wrote:
“The Elliots were all true to Austen’s characters.”
I felt the same. Mary, Elizabeth, Sir Walter, the Musgroves–they managed to capture some of the essence of Austen’s characters.
One person who was not a Jane Austen fan wrote:
“I liked that I could understand it all. Older English mixed with modern. Some other movies I get lost sometimes cause of the language.”
For her, the modern references and metaphors (“I can never trust a 10”) really helped make the film more accessible.
I’ll close with one last positive comment:
“I loved all of it.”
Survey Results: What Didn’t Work a Well in Netflix’s Persuasion
First, I went to film school. What “doesn’t work” is a very subjective thing. And it’s almost more useful to consider what the goals of the film were and how well it achieved those goals.
However, I decided to spare my guests a 30-minute lecture on how to judge a film’s merit, and instead just asked on the survey “What didn’t work as well for you?”
Here were a few of the responses:
“I thought Anne drank too much.”
This is a definite shift to a book. Anne may or may not be an alcoholic in the movie.
Another person comment on the modern references:
“The modern language/references were occasionally jarring against the 1800s visuals.”
This is interesting because I only had two people comment on the modern languages/references. One person positively, and one person semi-negatively.
I’m someone who loves historical things. I put hundreds of hours into making my Jane Austen-inspired novels historically accurate, and I tried to make the language match Austen’s. But I thought this film was cohesive in being a bit ahistoric–not completely accurate costumes, some modern languages and references, the very uncomfortable octopus sucking scene, the frowny face drawn by Mary on her forlorn note. So even though it’s not how I’ve approached my own Austen adaptations, the modern languages/references worked.
Most people didn’t have any complaints. I got a lot of no responses on this final question, and several that read:
“No major criticisms.”
“Nothing, it was fun.”
Some Positive Results
One person commented on her survey:
“Now I want to read it.”
There were several other people who verbally expressed the same sentiment. And if a film makes you want to read Jane Austen, I always see that as a good thing.
Several other people (including people who had given the film a “4: I liked it”) plan to rewatch it, some of them with their husbands.
My Own Personal Thoughts
I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I love the original novel. I love Jane Austen’s use of language. I love the nuance. I love the friendship with Mrs. Smith and that entire subplot (which was not included in the film). I like Jane Austen’s subtle commentaries on the war, on politics, on rhetoric, on education, on the role of the social sphere in a woman’s life. And these are all good, beautiful things that were not in the film.
But I thought it was a really good adaptation.
Fresh? Yes.
Interpreting characters a little differently? For sure.
Taking a new vision to Austen? Yes.
I think it’s useful to note that the director, Carrie Cracknell, is largely a theatre director. I feel like theatre-goers expect a wider range of adaptations than film-viewers, and so this adaptation may surprise some viewers. But generally, I think people will enjoy it.
Hardcore Jane Austen fandom does have a solid contingent of purists that can be rather judgmental on anything that does not fit their conceptions of what a Jane Austen adaptation should look like. If you’re looking for complete accuracy for the novel, you’re going to be disappointed. However, that’s not what makes an adaptation interesting to me.
There’s a great film theory article by Richard Stam called “Beyond Fidelity: The Dialogics of Adaptation.” He talks about how “fidelity” and the moral language we use to judge film adaptations can actually get in our way as film viewers. He posits that a film may be choosing an essence of the original and putting that into a new genre. But an adaptation is not pure transference–Stam talks about how an adaptation can be:
- Translation
- Reading
- Dialogization
- Cannibalization
- Transmutation
- Transfiguration
- Signifying
He spends a great number of pages going into each of these things–so if you want to read about how an adaptation can be a dialogue with the original, or a transmutation, check out his article.
(I do want to point out that there have also been some very racist critiques of Persuasion. Which is honestly very sad to me. I personally think color blind cast is amazing. Also, despite the white-ness of many Austen adaptations, Regency England was actually quite a diverse place, and that were people of many races at all levels of society.)
Netflix’s Persuasion is a film that I plan to rewatch. Despite loving the novel Persuasion, I’ve never actually seen the other film adaptations, and now I’m interested in watching them–broadening my horizons and such.
Now Go Forth and Watch!
Despite my survey being so VERY official (and not statistically significant), I think it’s fair to recommend that you go watch Netflix’s Persuasion and judge the film for yourself.