Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

The Steady Spread of the Deadly Atom: JFK’s Inaugural Address in the context of the Cold War

“The steady spread of the deadly atom” was a term coined by John F. Kennedy in his inaugural address. It evokes the fear of the Cold War, and the uncontrollable elements of the atomic weapons that we (and our Soviet neighbors) theoretically controlled. Unluckily, “the steady spread of the deadly atom” was not a phrase […]

My Favorite Screenshots, Edition 1

One of my favorite computer programs is Jing, because I can quickly capture anything I see on the web, from a fleeting error to an absurd commonplace. And, as desired, I can add things like arrows to the image. Here’s a few of the best screenshots I’ve captured lately: 1. Perfect English I do hope […]

The Steady Spread of the Deadly Atom: JFK’s Inaugural Address in the context of the Cold War

“The steady spread of the deadly atom” was a term coined by John F. Kennedy in his inaugural address. It evokes the fear of the Cold War, and the uncontrollable elements of the atomic weapons that we (and our Soviet neighbors) theoretically controlled. Unluckily, “the steady spread of the deadly atom” was not a phrase […]

My Favorite Screenshots, Edition 1

One of my favorite computer programs is Jing, because I can quickly capture anything I see on the web, from a fleeting error to an absurd commonplace. And, as desired, I can add things like arrows to the image. Here’s a few of the best screenshots I’ve captured lately: 1. Perfect English I do hope […]