5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Documentary Video Camera

The more I’ve worked on my year-long video blog/documentary project Days of Film, the more I realize that your video camera truly impacts the type of shot you can get, especially when you’re doing documentary. And a lot more goes into it than whether or not your camera can shoot in HD.

5 Things You Should Consider When Choosing a Documentary Video Camera

1. Cameras impact people’s behavior.

When you see a camera, your experience at a place or an event changes. Even in some of the early film clips I’ve seen, over a century ago, when people know they’re being filmed they smile and wave. If people know you’re doing a project they can attempt to go about whatever it is they normally do with as little change in behavior as possible—but the awareness of the camera is always there.

For this documentary project, it has been useful to have a small, unobtrusive camera. I’m trying to capture little snippets of life, and my camera looks like any average, little camera. I could be a tourist, a mom filming her kids, the average person who sees something cool and happens to be able to capture it on a camera that’s higher quality that a cell phone. Shots like these people jumping on trampolines or the splitting of wood are made much easier when people don’t turn their heads at the arrival of a large camera. My father-in-law would’ve been fine with me filming him chopping wood if I had asked him in advance (he was afterwards) but it was nice to capture the moment unadulterated by the awareness of the camera.



2. Every camera falls somewhere on the scale of portability

On the most portable end of the scale are phone cameras, and since people carry their phones everywhere, they can be documentarians at any moment.

I prefer a camera that sacrifices some portability for quality. However, my video camera is still small enough that (because I’m working on this project) almost every time that I’ve left the house this year I’ve brought my camera with me.

I even managed to fit my camera through a fence in a parking garage, stick my arm through, and then open the camera so I could film lights at Trolley Square without a fence in front of them. (The desire for a shot outweighed my fear that I would drop my camera fifty feet onto the pavement below.)


3. Not all cameras can capture fleeting moments with little setup

In some types of documentary filmmaking, things will happen—and only happen once—which you need to be able to capture well without having to make a lot of decisions about white balance, focus, etc.

I typically leave my camera in “Easy” mode, which automates the settings. I’ve been really happy with my camera’s automatic settings, which typically get really good coloring and lighting. (The only place that I’ve found that my camera’s auto settings really don’t cut it is in certain sections of the aquarium, because of the special lighting.)

Thus, when bison randomly decide to walk across the road, I can shoot and point, without worrying that my shot won’t turn out. I also have my camera set so that way it only uses the optical zoom. I don’t want to accidentally zoom too far and end up using the digital zoom and decreasing the quality of the shot.


4. It’s really nice to have manual controls

While I’m a huge fan of really good automatic settings, it can also be really useful to have manual controls. For one, if your camera will let you control things like white balance, it’s much more likely to be a higher quality camera and get better shots when it’s on auto.

And, sometimes, you have time to change the settings. This is particularly useful for interviews, scenery shots that aren’t going away (I took at least five shots of the above geyser), and things that you’re initiating (like the can opener) or that will happen multiple times.


5. The camera you choose will impact where your documentary can go later

I will never shoot a doc on a phone camera, simply because the quality just isn’t there. My camera is a very high level consumer camera (pro-sumer, maybe) but it’s not a professional camera like many of my friends own (I’m not at the point where I’m willing to spend thousands of dollars on a camera), and it’s certainly no RED. (The RED may be a camera that makes you salivate, but the fact that they shot the new Pirates movie on it means that you probably don’t need that level of camera for a documentary.)

The thing to remember is that the label HD is no guarantee that you’ve got a good camera. Some things are HD because they capture a huge pixel count, but if the pixels are crappy…well, it will still look bad. There’s lots of places you can read up on HD specs, what High Definition really means, etc., and I’m no expert on it, so you’ll have to read on that elsewhere.

When I look at a camera, I want something that doesn’t limit me to posting my videos online. You want your videos to look good if you burn them to DVD or Blu-ray, and ideally, it needs to be good enough that your images will still look good on a big screen at a film festival.

The nice about documentary is that expectations are different than if you’re making a feature fiction film.

How to attract undue attention while making a documentary: walk around with a giant steadicam stabilizing system. (Photo credit: dfritzon.)

With a documentary film, a little shakiness is okay. A little lower quality, imperfect lighting, and some imperfections can even add to the authenticity (though if you’re doing seated interviews, people expect it to look a little better).

I’ve been really happy with my video camera—for now, it meets what I’m looking for on the balance between size, cost, portability, and quality. In case you’re interested, it’s a Canon Vixia HF100.

So that’s what I’ve been thinking about. In other news, with the completion of September, I’m now 3/4 the way done with the project, and have less than 100 videos to go.

Here’s some of my favorite shots from the month of September:

1. Videos of my Yellowstone trip. All of them. Leaving the state was a good idea.

2. A paraglider at the State Fair.

3. Changing a light bulb.

4. A gold light (this, in my opinion, is one of the prettiest, most whimsical shots I’ve taken).

Crocheting, Home Arts, and Ribbons at the State Fair

There was something really exciting about the High School Awards Ceremony when I was in 9th grade. I sat on the edge of my seat, knowing, surely, I would win something. My name was called, and I walked to the front of the auditorium, trying not to look to pleased with myself as I received a certificate for this, that, and another class I was in. The excitement was definitely helped by there only being 400 or so people at my school in Portland, Connecticut: fewer people means more awards can be given out per person in an hour long assembly. I believe everyone got called up at some point during the ceremony.

I admit, I had a bit of the same anticipation a week and a half ago when I entered three of my crocheted items into the Utah State Fair–surely, surely, I will get a ribbon for something. Luckily I don’t have the same high school anxieties, and luckily, like in my high school, there are plenty of categories. There are 6 different levels you can enter at: Professional, Advanced Amateur, Amateur, Senior Citizens, Youth, and Disabled. And then, within each of those levels, you compete against only other similar items.

So the afghan that I crocheted was not competing against all other afghans, but against only other Amateur Crocheted Infant Afghans. Likewise, my second entry competed against only other Amateur crocheted Jacket, Ponchos, and Sweaters.

Funny, having lots of categories does not stifle the excitement when you win two ribbons at the state fair! (Edited on Sept 22: it turns out I actually won three ribbons–see below.)


I received a 2nd place at the Amateur level for the wavy, spring-themed Baby Afghan I made, and 3rd place for the orange, Autumny baby jacket I crocheted. I’m sure it was the bright green buttons that did it. The third item I entered did not place and was not displayed.

Edited on September 22, 2011:

When we went to pick up my items from the fair, we discovered that I’d won a third prize: a blue ribbon for my Christmas tree wall hanging, in the general Christmas category. I was quite excited and not expecting it, because we missed part of the Christmas display when we visited the fair. Here are the pictures: 

What’s interesting to me is that the wall hanging actually uses the simplest stitch, but I executed everything perfectly, while the other two items were a little more complex but had some problems. (I liked that the judges gave really helpful feedback on each item–who knew that I could use a little bit of fabric glue to fix the ends that refused to weave in?)

Home Arts

In light of entering my yarn crafts into the state fair, I’ve been thinking about the question: is crochet an art?

I’ve heard many people argue that crochet is not an art, but rather a craft. They say, well, perhaps it’s art when you design your own patterns, or do something completely defying tradition and on public display, like creating a crocheted carrot jetpack with accompanying story, pictures, and video. (The jetpack is amazing, by the way.) But if you take a pattern for a traditional (often home) object and then make said object, you’ve created a craft.

When making this argument, it’s best to pronounce “craft” as if it’s a dirty word. Also, make sure to specify that crafts don’t require any creativity. That makes us crafters feel really great.

Crocheting is definitely a craft, but I’d argue that it’s also an art–both a visual and a sculptural art.

A close up of the corner of my very first afghan, started when I was 11 or 12, then dragged out of the box and completed in January 2009. 

Art is a means of creative personal expression that often is intended to have an impact on the viewer.

Creativity is “originality, progressiveness, or imagination.” It’s also the state of being creative, or in other words “having the quality or power of creating.” In other words, it’s the act of creation.

Much that we extol as creative follows set patterns for set purposes, and so could be rejected as art just as crochet sometimes is. A concert pianist is certainly an artist, even if she is not a composer or a jazz musician.

I recently watched a documentary on Lynda.com about Doyald Young, a logotype designer. He designed 1 or 2 typefaces during his entire career, yet recently won an important award for his contributions to the field of type. His creativity came not in the form of creating new types, but in using traditional types with insight and purpose in designs such as the Prudential logo.

Even in visual arts, creativity is not just about doing something new. Learning technique, knowing how to draw a horse or a face makes it possible for the act of creation to occur in the form of a portrait or painting.

In his book The Remarkable Soul of a Woman, Dieter Uchtdorf defines creativity as “[taking] unorganized matter into our hands and [molding] it into something of beauty.” Now am I going to argue that my crocheted dish cloth is art? Actually, I probably will. My dishcloths are pretty, soft, and add a homemade, DIY flavor to my kitchen. As a positive side effect, they makie me feel a whole lot better about doing dishes.

Uchtdorf goes on to write that “Creation means bringing into existence something that did not exist before–colorful gardens, harmonious homes, family memories, flowing laughter.” Creation in the home, whether it’s of an afghan or a relationship, is rarely new or glamorous. Yet the goal in crafting a sweater or raising a child shouldn’t necessarily be to defy tradition.

I like the title of the Home Arts building at the Utah State Fair. Home Arts are arts in and for the home. To me Home Arts include everything from cooking to organizing to decorating to nurturing a child. So perhaps next time I say that I am a homemaker I should clarify what that really means. It means that I’m a home artist.

Oh yes, these most certainly are cake mix cookies. They were delicious.  

Winnie the Pooh: A Review

I just checked my Analytics and it turns out that most of the people who have visited have come here for the express purpose of finding out about kangaroo cartoons. Apparently those who have come to my website in the last month searched for the following things on Google:


For a moment, I was bewildered, and then I remembered that I wrote a post titled Forgetting (or never knowing) Real Kangaroos.

This presents a problem. My website is not about kangaroos, let alone cartoon kangaroos. I’m obviously not sure what this website is about, but it wasn’t meant to be focused on marsupials, Pooh Bears, or animation. As such, I’ve broken the reader-writer contract, which is a big error, especially if you did a Masters degree in Rhetoric. Having someone search for “kangaroo cartoon” and then landing on my website is like going to the movies to watch a romantic comedy and five minutes in realizing that you’re watching a horror film instead.

There are three potential solutions to make me feel better about myself as a writer:

1. Throw in the towel. Give up on this website in despair, because the only people visiting are those who want something other than I’m giving.

2. Overcompensate by targeting other keywords and attempting to rebrand myself as a non-kangaroo person, perhaps even going so far as to delete the original transgressionary post.

3. Run with it. If my readers want to read about cartoon kangaroos, then maybe that’s what I should have been writing about in the first place. It’s a niche market with little competition, but obviously sufficient interest. And I know the perfect thing–I just saw the new Winnie the Pooh movie. I can write about that.  So here it goes.

My Review of Winnie the Pooh (2011):

The trailer, for your viewing pleasure…

Winnie the Pooh was truly a delightful film, and unlike certain comic book remakes, can please both original fans and new viewers. I admit, I fit in the “original fan” category. Growing up, I read the books, watched The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (made before I was born–who knew!), watched some of the newer films (like Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin), and watched dozens of the cartoons (my favorite were the Private Ear ones featuring Tigger as detective).

I was a little worried about a new movie, but was thrilled with what they did with it. Perhaps the only thing that bothered/annoyed me was Owl’s voice, perhaps because the rest of the voices matched my memory, but Craig Ferguson was too far of a departure. The new version of the Winnie the Pooh song played at the opening didn’t work for me (it shifted to a female voice)

But now for what worked. Winnie the Pooh provided a nice mix of old and new, referring to the Winnie the Pooh Canon (yes, it is a canon) without simply replicating it. For example, when Tigger enters we get the refrain of the classic “Wonderful Thing about Tiggers” song, but then we’re treated to a brand new, catchy, fun Tigger song. Throughout, the new music is excellent, and makes we want to buy the soundtrack in addition to the movie.

Winnie the Pooh 2011 poster

You know it’s a Canon when the Winnie the Pooh poster doesn’t even include the title of the movie on it.

A lot of the classic Winnie the Pooh tropes are there–Eeyore has lost his tale; Christopher Robin goes missing (Pooh’s Grand Adventure); Pooh needs more honey, etc. But it all feels fresh, not stale, partaking in the genre while reinvigorating it. The things that are departures largely add. For example, Kanga is more motherly, which is rather useful seeing as she is the only female in the cast.

Like in The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, the fourth wall is broken by a narrator who talks to us and to Pooh. We also read some of the words of the book, which in turn reflect the narrative (for example, when Pooh starts thinking only of honey, we see several pages of the word “honey” on the screen).

It was a beautiful, well-crafted film. My husband and I loved it, and so did my daughter (in her first exposure to Winnie the Pooh, besides her Pooh bear bibs). She loved the music and the colors, even if she was a little too young to get the story.

Winnie the Pooh has been rather under-appreciated in terms of box office numbers, but no movie should release the same weekend as the final Harry Potter. It’s not flashy like some of the Pixars and the newer Disney’s, but it’s beautifully made, and I’d definitely recommend it as part of your family movie collection.

My Favorite Screenshots, Edition 2

Long, long ago, in a galaxy called our own, I posted some of my favorite screenshots. While organizing my digital workspace I realized that I’ve collected many more, but have neglected to post them. So here’s another batch of 5:

1. Team Edward


Actually… he’s not pasty and I’ve never seen him sparkle, so maybe Team Jacob is a more apt comparison. Regardless, our president is young, attractive, and knows it.

2. A False Dilemma


Either I click like because I have a good marriage, or I choose not to click (and not to be a fan of a page of a random company) and obviously have an awful marriage.

When faced with a False Dilemma (aka the Either/Or Fallacy) I choose not to participate. So I didn’t “not click”, I simply pretended I hadn’t seen it….

3. Google Search Predictions


How did Google know those were precisely the things I was going to search? Once again, I’m floored by Google’s mind reading technology.

4. Quarterlife Crisis


Childhood angst, teenage angst, mid-life crisis…all of those had special names. Now, with quarterlife crisis, I can feel validated anytime I’m not in a good mood and puzzle over the future.

5. Hurry!


I’m all for original arguments…. but why am I supposed to hurry? I recall there was something I learned this one time about Supply and Demand…

Why I’m Still Going to Tell my Daughter That She’s Beautiful

Last week Lisa Bloom wrote an excellent article in the Huffington Post titled “How to Talk to Little Girls.” I agree that it’s sad that “twenty-five percent of American women would rather win America’s Next Top Model than the Nobel Peace Prize.” I agree that you should talk to little girls about their minds and “model for [them] what a thinking woman says and does.” I pretty much agreed with everything she wrote and how she wrote it. But a day later I found myself a little bothered by Lisa Bloom’s argument.

What Bloom proposes is that you should not talk to little girls about their looks, clothes, hair, etc., because “teaching girls that their appearance is the first thing you notice tells them that looks are more important than anything.”

Thus, when I tell my daughter that she is beautiful or when her grandma complements her on a cute outfit, we are ruining her.

I can’t bring myself to believe that this is true.

I agree with Bloom’s intent, and believe that our culture has major problems. I find myself regularly angered by the objectification and sex-tification of women, and increasingly so with the male-as-eye candy (“let’s objectify men because they objectified us first”). And I believe that a focus on appearance can feed into these things, as well as a list of other problems.

However, I feel much more comfortable with a modified version of Bloom’s argument: “Only focusing on physical appearance will cause long term damage on the well-being of little girls.” I think the word only is the key.

Let’s imagine the reverse. A little girl that grows up, never once having anyone complement her physical appearance. To me, this could be just as damaging, even if all little girls were treated that way. The problem is that it devalues the body, says that the body is not important, an annoyance even. Something that should be, at best, ignored.

But the body is important. Our minds are made up of physical matter. Our eyes experience wonder at the world. Our ears hear sounds, and with our mouths, make communication possible. The way we take care of our bodies through food and exercise makes it possible for us to run, breath, live, move, experience. Our fingers can type and turn the pages of a book.

Taken to an extreme, taking care of our bodies becomes destroying our bodies, and our society is filled with this extreme, so I appreciate Bloom’s argument even if I don’t agree with it completely.

I admit, part of my perspective on this subject comes from my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our theology teaches that our bodies are as essential as our spirits. For us, original sin was more of a transgression than a sin, the forbidden fruit necessary so we could have a full range of experiences with our bodies and spirits. Recently, one of our church leaders, David Bednar, gave a discourse entitled “Things as they Really are.” As Bednar points out, one of the challenges and risks of cyberspace is that online interaction can devalue the body, causing us to “miss the richness of person-to-person communication”; “many forms of computer-mediated interaction…can displace the full range of physical capacity and experience.”

The physical body is essential and good. Ignoring the physical body as we speak to little girls will hurt them just as we can hurt them by focusing only on physical appearance. I agree with Lisa Bloom–I want my daughter to be smart and to value her mind. I do not want her to not kill her body by dieting or change her body with plastic surgery or succumb to the propaganda that a particular physical form equates to happiness and success. And so I read my daughter books on trucks and animals, sing her songs and rhymes about both pirates and princesses, and try teaching her ridiculously big words for a child under the age of one (I couldn’t help it–incandescent is such a good word). I also help her exercise her muscles, teaching her to crawl and stand, to grab and to reach. And on some days, I dress her in an absurdly cute, frilly yellow dress covered with flowers and tell her that she’s beautiful. I hope she feels good in the same way I feel good when my husband tells me “You’re beautiful” before he asks me about what I’ve been reading, thinking, and doing.

(my daughter enjoys her physical body)

In fact, every single day I tell my daughter that she is beautiful. And every day, I teach her what it means to be a beautiful woman. A beautiful woman is appealing both inside and out. A beautiful woman is smart, and maybe some day will be like her mom and grandma and go to graduate school. A beautiful woman is spiritual and sensitive to the needs of those around her. A beautiful woman is healthy and strong, and while she takes care of her appearance, she feels confidence in her body as it is. Dearest daughter, you are beautiful.