Entries by Katherine Cowley

Writing is Like…

The idea wasn’t originally mine–as is common in the writing classroom, I borrowed it from another teacher. Every semester, on the first day of class, each of my students has to complete the metaphor “Writing is Like…” I’ve now heard hundreds of metaphors, many of them involving pain and suffering–for freshmen taking a required general […]

The Hardest Thing in the World

Writing is the hardest thing in the world. I didn’t think that when I started writing at the age of 5, but I often think that now. Some days, I feel like I’m pulling my toe nails out (don’t spend too much time visualizing it) simply to write 500 words. My daughter is 6 weeks […]

Living the Dream (of Homemaking and Motherhood)

A few nights ago, I had a very vivid dream which involved me reading a pile of books to my toddler. I mentioned the dream to my friend Shann, and added, “And I’ve read a lot of books to Myra today.” Without a moment’s hesitation, Shann replied, “You’re living the dream!” (Photo by Marissa Strniste) […]

Brigadeiros Recipe (A Brazilian Chocolate)

Last night I made brigadeiros, that yummy Brazilian chocolate that makes Brazil lovers drool. These were probably one of my top five favorite foods (yes, chocolate is a food) when I lived in Brazil. My picture seemed to garner a lot of love on Facebook, and a bit of lust, so I thought, if I […]