Entries by Katherine Cowley

Story Beats Presentation

I gave a presentation on Writing Powerful Story Beats as part of a free, online writing conference hosted by LDS Beta Readers. You can now view a rerecording of the presentation:   The presentation slides: Writing Powerful Story Beats in Fiction from Katherine Cowley Useful links: I wrote three blog posts on this subject, which […]

The Best Pillow for Writing in Bed

I’ve recently discovered the best writing tool since the laptop. As a woman balancing writing, mothering, and a myriad of other obligations, I’m always trying to find new ways to up my productivity. I have limited writing time every day, and I use all sorts of tricks to make the most of it, like turning […]

New Short Story: Misunderstood at 365 Tomorrows

I have a new short story that has been published! It’s called “Misunderstood,” and you can read it at 365 Tomorrows. There is also a forum discussion of the story, for those who want to chime in. “Misunderstood” is the shortest story I’ve ever written. Including the title, it’s only 483 words long. Yet the […]