My 3 Year Old Took Pictures of Our Beach Trip…. And They Are Awesome
A few weeks ago, I took my daughters with me to Oregon to visit relatives. We spent four days at the beach, mostly in the Newport area. While we were at Nye Beach and Seal Rock beach, I gave my 3 year my cell phone and let her take pictures.
It was pretty cool to look through her hundreds of pictures afterwards and get a three-year-old’s perspective.
I was surprised by how many pictures there were of feet.
There were also dozens–yes, dozens–of pictures of my back side. Apparently, I am primarily made up of long legs. I’ll spare you all but one.
Sometimes my daughter decided to focus on more than just lower body parts. She wasn’t particularly interested in heads though.
I promise I do have a head though!
My daughter also took one lovely picture of her younger sister:
She was really good at noticing shadows, footprints, and patterns in the sand:
And I have to admit, my daughter took some of the prettiest pictures of anyone in my family:
And to finish, here’s her shadow self-portrait: